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How to Prepare for a Decarbonization Study outlines the steps a hospital team can take to initiate a decarbonization study at their facility.
This eBook features a collection of articles describing extreme weather events that have affected health care facilities across the country.
Review the certification process and ongoing requirements for the physical environment provisions of compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) in USP .
This code overlay will assist health care systems with their decarbonization efforts
Support your efforts to strengthen your energy procurement and resiliency policies and finance your sustainability projects.
Best practices for financing energy sustainability are described with an emphasis on helping hospitals and associated decision-makers – including professionals from supply chain, facilities, finance, sustainability, and public health – navigate the challenges associated with investing in the carbon reduction goals that health care is being asked to implement.
This monograph covers the mechanics of LED lighting and shows relevant applications in health care facilities. It explains how hospitals can use LEDs to save resources and improve the patient and staff experience.
Cut your health care facility's operational costs with our tips, tactics, and case studies for energy cost reduction.
This monograph provides a step-by-step model for building a business case in support of energy resiliency investments in health care facilities. It also includes other best practices and ways to support resiliency.
Lessons learned from previous disasters, explains how to assess vulnerabilities, and suggests new ways to safeguard emergency power through new technologies, innovative protocols, and information sharing.
This monograph provides an overview of the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 188: Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems and provides compliance guidance for health care facilities.
This monograph sets forth energy procurement best practices and explains how hospitals should approach energy procurement using the principles of aggregation, alignment, and analytics.
The study compares anticipated plug load with energy intensity data provide guidance for designers in estimating a facility's design load.
Operating room setback is a proven energy-saving strategy for hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. This paper presents possibilities and question to ask to determine a facility's approach.