ASHE Sustainability for Health Care - Achieving Your Sustainability Goals

Supporting Your ASHE Sustainability Journey
Health care facilities are dedicated to working together to become more sustainable by adopting environmental, social, and fiduciary practices that support healthy, equitable, and resilient environments and communities. In support of its mission of advancing the health of individuals and communities, ASHE provides strategic thought leadership, resources, and programs to support health care organizations pursuing sustainability.
What is sustainability in health care?
- In health care, sustainability refers to the integration of environmental stewardship, social equity and fiduciary responsibility to support healthy, equitable and resilient environments and communities over time.
- Sustainability in health care is based on a simple principle: Everything that humans need for their survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on the natural environment.
- To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony
Why and how does environmental sustainability affect health care?
Problem: The environment contributes to people's wellbeing, contributing to chronic diseases, such as asthma and cancer, or to acute illnesses like heat exhaustion.
Solution: Everyone, including hospitals, needs to be a part of the solution and make changes that will help improve the environment.
Premise: Hospitals can reduce carbon emissions significantly with simple changes, such as reducing surgical waste, reducing toxic chemicals and installing life-saving renewable energy sources.
Reason: Hospital and health systems engaged in sustainable practices are doing so largely because it aligns with their humanitarian and stewardship mission and vision. Becoming a positive force for environmental health leads to human health and wellbeing.
Getting Started

The Basics
“Where do we start?” is a common question when embarking on a sustainability journey. Complicating the question further, the word “sustainability” is often used interchangeably with other related concepts. Standardize your team’s communication to make your journey more cohesive and efficient with the Sustainability Glossary.

Sustainability Guide
The ASHE Sustainability Guide was developed to provide step-by-step directions for developing and executing a sustainability program for your health care facility.

Success Stories and Sustainability Tips
Read success stories about the health care facilities that have improved sustainability and embarked on decarbonization. Gather real world examples and sustainability tips from health care industry professions to help readers like you thrive in sustainable practices.

Discover Emissions Sources
State and Local jurisdictions across the US are setting environmental sustainability and decarbonization goals and targets for commercial buildings. Learn more about hospital specific emissions and how they relate to different departments. Find out how to achieve ENERGY STAR certification at your facility.

Taking Action
Learn to take action to decarbonize health care facilities and become more sustainable. These opportunities provide foundational knowledge of sustainability and empowers learners to work with their organizations to become more sustainable. Start your journey today!
Browse through exisiting publications that relate to sustainabile practices in health care facilities.

Participate in exercises to save energy and resources that can be put back into patient care.

Get Recognized
Participate in a national energy awards program and be acknowledged for your hard work.
Thank You to Our Sustainability Volunteers
These groups are made up of ASHE Professional Active Members and Associate Members with a strong interest in health care sustainability and decarbonization. ASHE staff members Kara Brooks, Chad Beebe and Austin Wallace have played a central role in coordinating and collaborating with these volunteers.
If you'd like to volunteer, or connect with ASHE staff to learn more how you can contribute your skills, email energytocare@aha.org or visit myASHE to connect.

Sustainability and Decarbonization Committee
This group acts as a set of trusted advisors that help inform ASHE staff about their experiences in the field, flag growing trends, and champion advocacy initiatives.

Sustainability Innovation Task Force
This group helps maintain ASHE's role as a thought leader in the health care sustainability space.
Sustainability Project Database Task Force
This Task Force works to identify existing sustainability/energy project databases that are available in the health care space.

Sustainability Financing Task Force
The Task Force works to identify sustainability/energy financing resources available in the health care space.
Sustainability and Decarbonization Committee
Relying on decades of combined expertise, they provide expert guidance and feedback to ASHE staff as well as oversee task forces with strategic goals. This group acts as a set of trusted advisors that help inform ASHE staff about their experiences in the field, flag growing trends, and champion advocacy initiatives.
Committee Members:
- Lindsey Brackett
- Jedd Winkler
- Fred Betz
- Andy Woommavovah
- Kathleen Fink
- Peter Dahl
Sustainability Innovation Task Force
The Task Force works to highlight new technologies, best practices, and identify leading organizations and/or individuals within the health care sustainability space. They help maintain ASHE's role as a thought leader in the health care sustainability space.
Task Force Members:
- John A. Mullen
- Mark Chrisman
- Hailey Mick
- Clark Reed
- Zachery Wills
- David Emery
- Kim Shinn
- Dennis Earley
- Nick Farr
- Tom Diamond
Sustainability Project Database Task Force
This Task Force works to identify existing sustainability/energy project databases that are available in the health care space and highlight the critical fields for health care facilities to account for when managing their sustainability projects.
Task Force Members:
- Ashley Mulhall
- Scott Winfrey
- Nathan Saxton
- Travis Burggraf
- Mike Westbrook
- Christy Fetsch
- Dana F. "Dino" Coliano
- Biraj Bhandari
- Jana Summey
- Tony Schifano
Sustainability Financing Task Force
This Task Force works to identify sustainability/energy financing resources available in the health care space.
Task Force Members:
- Kathy T. Henderson
- Dustin Rehkamp
- Anthony Ortery
- Jake Hall
- Jonathan Hunley
- Asad Jan
- Michaela Smith
- Ian Hadden
- Tom Perez
- Gregory Hudson