Maintenance and Operations
Strategic Asset Management and PDC – Operational Handover Best Practices | Lunch & Learn
ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management, and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area.
Use ASHE's Core Competency Framework to help maintain your critical systems and increase efficiency in your facility operations.
This tool helps determine the appropriate special locking arrangement to permit compliant egress in the event of a fire alarm activation.
This supplement focuses on the roles of two leaders—the Facility Engineer and the Infection Preventionist—and how they can collaborate in all mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery stages.
Join Ohio-based PDi for a new product overview on the Largest Personal Patient Smart Touch Screen TV - medTAB22.
Review the certification process and ongoing requirements for the physical environment provisions of compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) in USP <797>.
Explore case studies that incorporate healthy hydration design elements including installation, applications, and filtration.
What happens when a hospital loses electricity? Most hospitals have red plug only, life safety backup for their facilities.
This webinar, hosted by PureLine and Sanipur, is tailored for healthcare facility managers and engineers who are at the forefront of maintaining hospital water systems.