Energy Management

ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management, and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area.
This guide focuses on the design, construction, and operation of decarbonized new hospital buildings and major renovations.
Competency in energy management means using the right amount of energy to maintain the delivery of care while working to reduce energy use.
CHICAGO — The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) of the American Hospital Association has announced the winners of its 2024 Energy to Care Awards.
Congrats! Your team has been awarded for its commitment to sustainability. Use this toolkit to let your organization know about your hard work.
Energy management plans have emerged as indispensable tools for hospitals to address environmental challenges.
This eBook features a collection of articles describing extreme weather events that have affected health care facilities across the country.
ASHE has developed 52 actionable ECMs in eight categories to help facilities management teams better manage energy use and advance your health care facility’s sustainability journey.
Learn more about how to end the use of fossil fuels at your health care facility.