Connections: June 2020
In This Issues:
- ASHE Launches New Education Criteria Program
- ASHE Offers Virtual Chapter Visits
- ASHE Offers a Platform for Chapters to Host Meetings and Events
- ASHE Holds its First Virtual Chapter Leadership Forum and Awards Program
- ASHE Launches a New Chapter Community on My ASHE
- ASHE Is Your Source for Professional Development
- Save the Date for ASHE’s Annual Conference in October
- Deadline Approaching for Energy to Care Awards
- Free Three-Month Trial ASHE Membership Offer Ending Soon
ASHE Launches New Education Criteria Program
As you know, the ASHE Chapter Awards Program recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of affiliate chapters who help optimize the health care physical environment. We realize that canceling and rescheduling 2020-chapter programs in light of COVID-19 will have an impact on the 2021 awards program, particularly on each chapter's ability to meet the education criteria. In an effort to support chapters reaching their education goals, we are excited to share the launch of the 2021 Chapter Awards Education Criteria Opportunities.
As a way to help you earn credits towards meeting the education criteria requirements, each month we will be sending emails to chapter leaders noting specific opportunities to earn points/hours in 2020. To receive credits and points, each chapter leader is requested to forward a personalized email to their chapter members notifying them of professional development opportunities, resources, and other activities occurring within ASHE and in the field to earn credit hours. Below is a breakdown of the education requirements by level for those chapters who want to take advantage of earning extra credit/hours:
- To earn Platinum/Platinum Elite, a chapter must conduct 24 hours of education.
- To earn Gold/Gold Elite, a chapter must conduct 20 hours of education.
- To earn Silver/Silver Elite, a chapter must conduct 12 hours of education.
- To earn Bronze/Bronze Elite, a chapter must conduct 8 hours of education.
The week of June 29, leaders will receive the opportunities offered in June. Opportunities will be released each month, or as the opportunities become available, throughout 2020.
PLEASE NOTE: Each chapter leader is responsible for documenting communication to their chapter members by downloading or scanning a copy of the communication and uploading it to their chapter's education subfolder in SharePoint, which is located under the 2021 Awards folder.
ASHE Offers Virtual Chapter Visits
All requests for ASHE Board and Advocacy Team members to conduct in-person visits have been put on hold indefinitely because of COVID-19. ASHE will now bring chapter visits to you virtually, by request.
ASHE Board and Advocacy Team members will conduct one-hour virtual visits / webinars by request. ASHE will provide the speakers, as well as the necessary technology. Topic areas can include, but are not limited to:
- COVID-19
- ASHE Update
- Advocacy Update
- Sustainability Update
- ASHE NFPA 1010 Update
- ASHE NFPA 99 Update
- Sustainability Workshop
- ASHE Energy to Care Workshop
- ASHE Advocacy Highway Road-map to Codes & Standards
- Healthcare Conditions of Participation
- Codes & Standards Forum
- FGI Guidelines Update
Chapters interested in this opportunity may send their request to ashechapters@aha.org.
ASHE Offers a Platform for Chapters to Host Meetings and Events
The onset of COVID-19 resulted in many associations pivoting to engage their members through technology. ASHE is offering its affiliated chapters a virtual platform to hold their chapter meetings and small events as needed. ASHE will provide this complimentary platform to chapters who are challenged with identifying or obtaining technology to engage their members and audience.
The platform will be managed by an ASHE staff member who will serve as the moderator for each event. Please note that the platform may have an attendance limitation and/or include certain other restrictions. This benefit will be available beginning July 20, 2020 and is available to all chapters. Each request will be reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the date and time of the event. If you are interested in using this platform, please contact ashechapters@aha.org to make your request.
ASHE Holds its First Virtual Chapter Leadership Forum and Awards Program
The fall of 2020 brings ASHE’s first ever virtual Chapter Leadership Forum and Awards Program. Chapter leaders will be able to partake in this year’s chapter leadership forum virtually!
This year’s event will feature networking, a presentation from a leader in the field and the awards presentation. Stay tuned for more information!
ASHE Launches a New Chapter Community on My ASHE
Are you interested in connecting, communicating and collaborating with your fellow ASHE chapter leaders? ASHE has launched a new Chapter Community on My ASHE to allow leaders to share resources and thoughts, discuss chapter and national issues and receive news of upcoming chapter events.
We encourage all chapter leaders to join this community to connect with your peers, especially during these unprecedented times as chapter operations are affected.
Be a part of the community to share ideas on how to navigate and operate within your chapter during these unusual times and to help advance the field of health care facilities management.
Start connecting with other chapter leaders today on My ASHE.
ASHE Is Your Source for Professional Development
Stay on top of today’s trends with ASHE education. We can help prepare you for your next survey, earn valuable continued education credits and stay abreast of the latest changes in codes and regulations. Join our team of passionate educators for online learning including the PDC Summit Webinar Series and ASHE’s free Quick Training video series plus the new e-learning Health Care Construction Workshop. ASHE members receive a discount on all education.
Save the Date for ASHE’s Annual Conference in October
ASHE has rescheduled its 57th Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition to October 2020 and is adding an exciting new virtual conference alongside the in-person event. The decision was made in light of COVID-19 and the ongoing efforts of hospitals and health systems to fight the pandemic in their communities.
The conference was originally scheduled from August 2-5 in Chicago. The conference will remain in Chicago, but will now be held October 4-7 instead.
“Shifting our conference to October and adding a new virtual event will allow ASHE to provide all attendees with key information they need at this critical time — whether they can travel to the in-person event or not,” said Deanna Martin, MS, CAE, ASHE executive director. “We’re looking forward to providing our attendees and exhibitors with the best possible experiences as we work through this pandemic together.”
Deadline Approaching for Energy to Care Awards
July 1 is the deadline for Energy to Care Dashboard users to upload building data in order to qualify for an Energy to Care Award. The Energy to Care Award, ASHE's gold standard for health care facility energy savings, honors participants that reduce energy consumption by 10% in a single year or 15% over two years. The program also recognizes previous award winners that reduce energy consumption by 5% in a single year. The Energy to Care Award winners receive a facility award, which is sent directly to senior leadership, and an individual award for the facility manager or group responsible for energy reduction. Learn More.
Free Three-Month Trial ASHE Membership Offer Ending Soon
Make sure everyone in your chapter has access to the ASHE tools and resources needed to lead through the challenges ahead. Share this opportunity for nonmembers to sign up for a free three-month trial membership. ASHE members have access to the latest updates on COVID-19 and COVID-19 resources available through the American Hospital Association (AHA) and ASHE, along with other happenings and trends in the health care field. Follow these instructions to sign up:
- If you are directly employed by a health care facility, click here.
- If you are an employee of a company other than a health care facility (e.g., architecture firm, contractor, vendor, health care association), click here.
Don't delay, this opportunity expires on June 30, 2020.
Upcoming ASHE Events
ASHE Annual Conference
Boston, MA
July 17 - 20, 2022
Learn more about all of ASHE's education opportunities.