Health Care Construction Workshop

Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.Prepare yourself and your project team to work in the health care physical environment, which is different than other construction locations. Avoid potential patient safety risks through discovering…
Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.
Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.
The ASHE Health Care Construction Workshop shows that you have been trained to work in the health care construction environment.
The ASHE HCC shows that you have been trained to work in the health care construction environment.
The program offers education with a comprehensive risk management approach to critical topics in health care construction.
Health Care Construction Workshop: You can register for the January 23-24 event now!
Register for the Health Care Construction Workshop at ASHE Academy 2024. Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.
Health Care Construction Workshop | March 2024 | San Diego | Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.
Register for the in-person Health Care Construction Workshop in Chicago!