
Tue, Oct 25, 2022, 12:00 PM – Tue, Oct 25, 2022, 01:00 PM

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Operating plumbing systems that comply with water management program requirements is about controlling, monitoring, and responding to dynamic system conditions. Unfortunately, many plumbing systems are planned, designed, and constructed without considering the operating needs necessary for effective water management. This places an undue burden on facility teams. However, planning new plumbing projects to simplify compliance is entirely possible.

In this session, we review the key components of potable water safety, plumbing design methods that facilitate water management, the importance of planning new projects with water management in mind, and review a real-world example of how design methods and technology simplified water safety and WMP compliance.

Learner Objectives:

  • Outline key components to Legionella water safety and management within potable water systems.
  • Recognize plumbing system challenges that impact water safety and compliance
  • Explain the benefits of creating water management focused Owner Project Requirements (OPR)
  • Describe plumbing system methods that can improve water safety and simplify compliance
  • Review real-world applications for managing risks and improving compliance using automated technology


Greg Swafford, Technical Sales Manager, Commercial Water

Greg Swafford is a Technical Sales Manager for GF Piping Systems, he is responsible for the growth and oversight of the U.S. commercial water market segment through business development, product development, and the creation of technical resources as it relates to GF Piping Systems' commercial water products. In addition to his work with GF Piping Systems, he serves as Affiliate Liaison for Region 5 of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) and is a committee member of ASHRAE SPC 514 "Risk Management for Building Water Systems: Physical, Chemical and Microbial Hazards.”

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