To all ASHE members that are also NFPA members,
The NFPA Health Care Section - Codes & Standards Review Committee (C&SRC) is directed by the Health Care Section Executive Board to monitor the code revision process from, “Notice of Intent to Enter the Cycle”, to the final vote on the document by the membership. Nearly 40 members of the C&SRC assume the responsibility for tracking assigned codes through the entire process and educating the members of the Health Care Section of changes and the possible impact on patient safety in the health care setting.
As you already know, the normal in-person NFPA Conference & Expo was once again replaced by virtual conference series. The Technical Session was held electronically from June 14th thru June 25th. Registration for voting is open until July 2nd at a nominal $50 fee.
CLICK HERE to register to vote, download the APP and vote on the issues identified in this alert.
If you are a health care section member (must be a member in good standing for at least six months prior to June 28th), you are encouraged to vote online with the health care section board on these matters. The Health Care Section supports the consensus process of the technical committees for each of these issues and to show support of the technical committee, we recommend that each of these motions be opposed.
The HCS Codes and Standards committee met to review the Certified Amending Motions (CAMs) that will be open for debate and voting. The Committee sent their recommendations to the HCS Executive Board who met to discuss and vote on these items. The executive board took a position on the four CAMs (see below). We encourage the HCS to review these items as well as the remaining CAMs and cast your vote. For those motions that the HCS did not take a position, we encourage you to review and vote your beliefs.
The four CAMS that the NFPA Health Care Section - Executive Board reviewed and took a position include:
- 72-6 – Oppose (Vote “No”)
- 72-7- Oppose (Vote “No”)
- 80-15- Oppose (Vote “No”)
- 1225-14- Oppose (Vote “No”)
Details of each CAM are included below:
CAM# 72-6 – HCS Executive Board voted to Oppose
(Support the actions of the Technical Committee)
CAM# 72-7 – HCS Executive Board voted to Oppose
(Support the actions of the Technical Committee)
CAM# 80-15 – HCS Executive Board voted to Oppose
(Support the actions of the Technical Committee)
CAM# 1225-14 – HCS Executive Board voted to Oppose
(Support the actions of the Technical Committee)
Thank you for being involved with the NFPA process to improve the Codes and Standards that we as Health Care Facilities must use on a daily basis.
James Peterkin, PE
Chair, Health Care Section Executive Board
Chair, ASHE - Regulatory Affairs Committee