Event Format



Thu, Apr 22, 2021, 12:00 PM – Thu, Apr 22, 2021, 01:00 PM

Event Host


The possibility of elopement or theft often motivates the use of locking systems that deter passage through egress doors, but building, fire, and life safety code requirements must be met. While a delayed egress lock is allowed by code to delay egress for 15 seconds, a controlled egress system can prevent egress in some healthcare units indefinitely – until evacuation is necessary. This webinar covers these two types of systems and the code requirements that apply to each. Learn when and where to use them, and the varying limitations of each of the model codes. Understanding these systems can help to ensure that the correct components are specified and installed, and that the system will be code-compliant

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish between the locations where a delayed egress system or a controlled egress system would be most effective.
  • Understand the code requirements that apply to delayed egress locks, including use groups where these locks are allowed, and required release methods.
  • Recognize the code requirements for electrified controlled egress locks, and how they differ from the delayed egress requirements.
  • Be familiar with the code sections addressing mechanical locking of egress doors in healthcare facilities, and the associated concerns.

Please Note: This is a Lunch & Learn program and is not eligible for CEUs.
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